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Liberty Hill
Forest Creek

Dr. Andrew Cavanagh
"My approach to practice involves teaching and including the parents in the decision process. At the same time, I use plenty of humor to put the children at ease...and it's more fun that way!"
Who is Dr. C?
Born in Chicago, Dr. Cavanagh got here as fast as he could, moving to Texas at the age of 4.
Dr. Cavanagh and his wife moved to Austin fifteen years ago, and he has practiced pediatrics in the area ever since. In his free time, he enjoys playing with his three children and getting his wife to laugh at his silly jokes. His family most recently traveled to China to bring home their newest member, their adopted son. His hobbies include reading, writing (he co-authored a college textbook), drawing, and Bible study. He is a record-holding powerlifter and a self-proclaimed comic book geek.
The Professional Side

He earned his undergraduate degree in genetics at Texas A&M University. After graduation, he spent a year in China studying culture and language at a university. He returned to the US to attend medical school at Texas A&M and continued his training as a pediatric resident at the University of South Carolina.
Dr. Cavanagh has 15 years of experience as a Pediatrician. He enjoys specializing in ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and Sports Nutrition.
However, most of our younger patients know him as the "Balloon Doctor," as he has a passion for making balloon animals for all of his patients.
Dr. Cavanagh splits his time between both locations.
Favorite moment
Not a specific moment, per se, but I crack up at the funny names my patients have given me: Dr. Cabinet, Dr. Captain, Dr. Carnivore, Dr. Silly, Dr. Monkey, and my favorite, Dr. Awesome.