Call Us to Schedule an Appointment
Liberty Hill
Forest Creek
During our Visit
Congratulations! As soon as you are told when you are going to be discharged from the hospital give us a call! We guarantee this visit which is usually scheduled for 3-5 days after the baby is born depending on the situation in the hospital.
During this visit, the provider will talk to you about your baby's weight and check for jaundice. You will also have an opportunity to ask the provider questions regarding to the first few weeks of life. We guarantee this appointment for the day that the baby needs to be seen (except Sunday) and will do our best to get you scheduled with your requested provider.
It is critical that you bring any hospital discharge papers with you. This will help guide the provider on discussions and plan of actions for your newborn! You will also be asked to fill out new patient paperwork. This will be sent electronically but you can also access it HERE.