Call Us to Schedule an Appointment
Liberty Hill
Forest Creek
Newborn Care
Chisholm Trail Pediatrics offers complimentary office consultations with our clinic administrator at the location of your choice. These are not required before your child is born, but, it is a great time to become familiar with the location, the office, and the staff.
We feel certain that any questions you may have can be covered with the clinic administrator. However, if you prefer to visit one-on-one with a provider, you will be given an appointment time on the clinic schedule and charged a $50 fee.
Topics discussed at these appointments include:
Practice Philosophy
Office Hours
After Hours availability and coverage
Appointment Scheduling
Well Check Schedule
What to expect at the first appointment
Any specific questions you may have
To schedule your prenatal appointment, call Shane at 512-930-4776 or you can
also use this online FORM to request an appointment and we will contact you ASAP!
What steps do I need to take for my baby to become a patient at Chisholm Trail Pediatrics?
Nothing before your baby is born! If you would like to print and complete the new patient paperwork, it is available here. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the Resource section on our website. You will find plenty of baby care, breastfeeding, and infant care information.
Once your baby is born, your hospital nurse will ask you to call and make an appointment with one of our providers.
We will schedule your appointment for the first business day after you are discharged.
Bring the hospital discharge paperwork with you to the first appointment.
What can I expect at my baby's appointments?
A list of the appointments your baby will have, including immunizations given, is available for you here.